GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 2.2 GNGTS 2024 Fig. 3 shows the displacements on the top storey of the South façade of the Villa for all floor configuraCons, normalized to the displacement of control point P2 in the TF-UR-NG arrangement (d P2,TF-UR-NG ). A red dot highlights the control point P2 defined in Fig. 2. The graphs in Fig. 3 confirm the significant contribuCon of the intervenCons in reducing the out- of-plane bending of the south wall, and so the possibility to avoid the acCvaCon of local out- of-plane mechanisms. The effect can also be seen graphically, considering the less convex shape of the deformed curves in the reinforced cases. In the TF-UR-G case, the structure exhibits a different behaviour, where in Fig. 3a,d a considerable slip is visible at x = 0 m, due to the collapse of the corresponding shear wall. For each type of floor, the raCo between the out-of-plane deflecCon of the south façade and the total displacement was evaluated, referring to control point P2. For the TF-UR-NG case, the raCo varies between 20% (Group 2 negaCve) and 46% (Group 1 negaCve). These percentages drop significantly for strengthen floors. When the floor is reinforced with OSB panels and ringed-nails, the incidence of the out-of- plane bending varies between 11% and 22% for Group 2 and Group 1 in the posiCve direcCon respecCvely. The results are further improved if OSB panels and screws are considered: in this case, the incidence is limited between a minimum of 7% (Group 2 negaCve) and a maximum of 15% (Group 1 posiCve). In the TF-CLT-S case, the raCo varies between 7% (Group 2 negaCve) and 30% (group 1 posiCve). It is worth noCcing that this soluCon allows achieving higher global displacements in the negaCve direcCon.
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