GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 2.2 GNGTS 2024 References CNR-DT 212/2013 InstrucCons for the Reliability Assessment of Seismic Safety of ExisCng Buildings, NaConal Research Council, Rome 2013 (in italian) CS.LL.PP . 2018 Ministery Decree 17/01/2018 - Italian NaConal Building Code NTC 2018 (in Italian). Gubana A., Melobo M.; 2019: Discrete-element analysis of floor influence on seismic response of masonry structures. Proceedings of the InsCtuCon of Civil Engineers - Structures and Buildings 174:459-472. Gubana A., Melobo M.; 2021a: EvaluaCon of Cmber floor in-plane retrofimng intervenCons on the seismic response of masonry structures by DEM analysis: a case study. Bull Earthquake Eng 19, 6003–6026. hbps:// Gubana A., Melobo M.; 2021b: Cyclic numerical analyses on wood-based in-plane retrofit soluCons for exisCng Cmber floors. Structures 33:1764-1774. j.istruc.2021.05.037 Jiménez-Pacheco J., González-Drigo R., Pujades Beneit L.G., Barbat A.H., Calderón-Brito J.; 2020: TradiConal High-rise Unreinforced Masonry Buildings: Modeling and Influence of Floor System SCffening on Their Overall Seismic Response. InternaConal Journal of Architectural Heritage. doi:10.1080/15583058.2019.1709582 Ortega J., Vasconcelos G., Rodrigues H., Correia M.; 2018: Assessment of the influence of horizontal diaphragms on the seismic performance of vernacular buildings. BulleCn of Earthquake Engineering. doi:10.1007/s10518-018-0318-8 Scoba R., Trutalli D., Marchi L., Pozza L.; 2018: Seismic performance of URM buildings with in- plane non-sCffened and sCffened Cmber floors. Engineering Structures 167:683–694. UNI-EN 12512:2006 Timber structures. Test methods. Cyclic tesCng of joints made with mechanical fasteners. Acknowledgment This work was carried out as part of the DPC-ReLUIS 2022-2024 project financed by the Department of Civil ProtecCon. Corresponding author:
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