GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 2.2 GNGTS 2024 In northern areas, the lower part of the study straCgraphic interval consists of Wuermian synglacial sands, sedimented by the river Po, which southward give way to finer grained units, mainly accumulated by Apennines rivers (Fig. 1c). Throughout the area, the synglacial units are topped by a terraced discordance surface, followed by syn-transgressive conCnental silty deposits, and by Holocene highstand fine grained sediments, associated with Po River channel sands and, in southern areas, with finer grained sediments of Apennines provenance. Based on the two geological models, 21 straCgraphic microzones (MOPS), homogeneous from a seismic response point of view, have been defined in the first 30 m of subsurface. The petrophysical properCes of the microzones control the near surface seismic wave amplificaCon and liquefacCon hazard.