GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 2.2 GNGTS 2024 Fig. 2 – DistribuCon of the damage parameter expressed as acceleraCon in cm/s 2 and of the expected damage esCmaCon: Medium-Severe damage is forecast for the urban area. Green areas indicate higher acceleraCon values than in the blue ones, orange zones more severe damage than the yellow ones. The three graphs illustrate the different spectrally selecCve amplificaCon responses to the seismic acceleraCon, in the structural high area (A), and in the urban center, respecCvely on the Po channel sand body (B) and on interfluvial mud areas (C). Coseismic liquefacHon hazard To evaluate the local liquefacCon hazard, more than 400 punctual analyses were performed, processing cone penetraCon data through the Boulanger and Idriss (2014) “simplified method”. LiquefacCon hazard maps were then generated through the geology-based surface interpolaCon of the punctual esCmaCons. The LiquefacCon PotenCal Indexes LPI (Iwazaki et al., 1982) were subdivided into classes (Sonmez, 2003), to disCnguish areas of low (0 < LPI ≤ 2), moderate (2 < LPI ≤ 5), and high (5 < LPI ≤15) hazard. A high liquefacCon suscepCbility is mainly confined to the channel sand bodies deposited by the Po. The sites where the 1570 liquefacCon is documented show medium to high hazard index values, validaCng the esCmaCon procedure, as in the southern porCon of the Medieval town and at Torre Fossa (Fig. 3). The forecasted effects of the liquefacCon will be largely increased by the presence of
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