GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 2.2 GNGTS 2024 slopes and arCficial embankments, which can trigger gravitaConal lateral spreading. The remaining porCons of the study area are generally spared from the liquefacCon hazard but are subject to seismic seblements and significant seismic amplificaCon factors. Fig. 3 – LiquefacCon hazard map, red squares indicate points of high liquefacCon hazard, the Po channel sands always show high or intermediate values. The circles indicate areas where liquefacCon was reported in November 1570, near Castel Nuovo – Porta San Paolo and Torre Fossa. The quotaCon is from a manuscript describing the November 1570 earthquake (Guidoboni 1984). Conclusions Interdisciplinary research, integraCng geological, geotechnical, geophysical, and computaConal geostaCsCcs techniques, supported an accurate microzonaCon of the seismic hazard of the study area. Large spectral selecCve amplificaCon was demonstrated, showing strong spaCal variaCon gradients. Medium-severe damage is forecasted throughout much of the municipality area. Moderate to high liquefacCon hazard characterizes the late Holocene Po channel sand bodies, on which the southern porCon of the Medieval town developed. The outskirt areas built on both Po and Reno granular sediments are also subject to significant liquefacCon hazard. The impact of the coseismic liquefacCon will be mulCplied by the lateral spreading of embankments and ridges. The remaining porCons of the municipality are developed on cohesive interfluvial sediments and are therefore spared from liquefacCon hazard, but sCll subject to significant seismic wave amplificaCon. The research was aimed at supporCng the development of appropriate urban planning and poliCcs. The spaCal distribuCon of the areas subject to liquefacCon must be considered in the design of anC- seismic buildings and architecture restoraCon procedures. The increased knowledge of the risk affecCng the town should prompt a massive effort to miCgate the expected damage, by improving the seismic response of both ancient and modern buildings, especially for the many of them built before the Italian seismic code implementaCon. Improved public
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