GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 1.1 GNGTS 2024 And how many such “large” earthquakes, based on informaton as poor as this, could be stll taken for granted by overconfdent geologists and seismologists, only because they happen to ft with some cherished theory? References Abich H.; 1882: Geologie des Armenisches Hochlandes, Wien. Ambraseys N.N.; 1989: Temporary seismic quiescence. Geophysical Journal, 96, 311-331. Ambraseys N.N.; 2009: Earthquakes in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East: a multdisciplinary study of 2000 years of seismicity, Cambridge UK.. Barbaro D.; (16 th c.): Storia Veneziana di D.B. dall’anno 1512 al 1515, Archivio Storico Italiano, vol. 77, 1842. Calvi W.; 1941: Erdbebenkatalog der Turkei und Einiger Benaehbarter Gebiete, Yayinlanmamis, Rep. No 276, MTA Ensttusu,̈ Ankara. De Bertoldi G.; 1888: Notzie e letere di Andrea Alpago Medico in Damasco trate dai Diarii di Marino Sanuto (Nozze Alpago-Novello-Valduga), Belluno. Levi della Vida G.; 1960: «ALPAGO Andrea». Dizionario Biografco degli Italiani, vol. 2 (online). Sanudo M.; 16 th c.: I Diarii di M.S. (MCCCCXCVI-MDXXXIII) dall' autografo Marciano ital. cl. VII codd. CDXIX-CDLXXVII , vol. XVIII, Venezia, 1877. Soysal H., Sipahioglu S., Kolcak D., Altnok Y.; 1981: Turkiye ve cevresinin tarihsel deprem katalogu MO” 2100 – MS 1900, TUBITAK Project, no. TBAG.341, Istanbul. Corresponding author:
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