GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 2.2 GNGTS 2024 Seismic-induced Landslide Scenarios with Physically-based Models at Regional Scale N. Monte, I. Marchesini, P. Reichenbach , M. Alviol , F. Bucci, M. Santangelo CNR IRPI, via della Madonna Alta 126, I 06128 Perugia, Italy The sopware r.slope.stability (M. Mergili et al, 2014a; M. Mergili et al, 2014b) is a tool for evaluaCng regional-scale slope stability (up to hundreds of square kilometers) perfectly integrated within a GIS environment (GRASS GIS – GRASS GIS Developers team, 2024). This sopware considers mulCple potenCal sliding surfaces, three-dimensional in nature (more precisely, 2.5D), approximated by porCons of ellipsoids or truncated ellipsoids. It also relies on the characterizaCon of key geotechnical features of materials and layers used to describe variaCons in mechanical properCes with depth. It employs a limit equilibrium approach and the Mohr-Coulomb criterion to assess the stability factor or, considering uncertainty in input parameters, to define a landslide suscepCbility. The sopware is freely accessible (hbps:// ) and constantly evolving. Recently, thanks to collaboraCons between CNR IRPI and Mundialis GmbH & Co. and the significant contribuCon of the University of GRAZ, it has been enriched with new funcConaliCes aimed at evaluaCng the propensity of the territory to experience landslides under the influence of seismic forces (Mergili, M., 2014-2021). The seismic input is integrated via pseudo-staCc analysis, where seismic forces are directly included in the calculaCon of destabilizing and resisCng forces, uClizing peak ground acceleraCon and a seismic coefficient. A Newmark approach is also applicable when the hipocenter of the earthquake is known or supposed. This contribuCon outlines the sopware's characterisCcs and presents preliminary results of its expedited applicaCon over an area covering almost the enCre region of Molise. Reference Mergili, M., 2014-2021. r.slope.stability - The slope stability model. hbps:// GRASS Development Team 2024. Geographic Resources Analysis Support System (GRASS GIS) Sopware, Version 8.3 hbps:// Corresponding author:
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