GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 2.2 GNGTS 2024 4. Conclusions High-impact determinisCc scenarios were generated to test the models to be applied for the seismic and volcanic risk of buildings (residenCal and strategic) and lifelines (electricity grid, roads, etc.) in the Etna area.This exercise, among other things, led to the implementaCon of a PGA-intensity conversion relaConship for Etna earthquakes, as well as the characterizaCon of roof vulnerability in the study area. Apart from earthquake, expected damage from tephra and lava flow are unlikely to reach high level of damage(D4 and D5). Anyway the interrupCon of services and other inconveniences are foreseeable at lower damage levels (D2 and D3). Due to the characterisCcs of Mount Etna erupCons, lava flow (which are slow) or ash accumulaCon does not generate vicCms. Instead, it is possible to find an interdependence on risk scenarios: even a thickness of a few cenCmetres of ash can make roads dangerous or even just unusable, making rescue operaCons difficult in the event of an earthquake or in the event of a fire triggered by the erupCon. Thanks to a probabilisCc esCmate of the expected damage, sCll in progress, it will be possible to quanCfy the influence of seismic hazard, lava flow and tephra accumulaCon in appropriate exposure Cmes. Acknowledgements Probability Pylons Power MV Power HV Transformer [km] buildings 0.000358 15 52 1 10 23.82 737 0.005 2 10 - 1 6.27 181 0.01 4 23 - 2 12.61 596 0.025 3 20 - 4 15.69 639 0.05 2 3 - 3 5.37 148 0.1 4 14 - 1 8.31 205 0.3 0 4 - - 0.74 1 0.5 1 1 - - 0.79 2 Tot 31 127 1 21 73.6 2509