GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 2.2 GNGTS 2024 This work was carried out within the PANACEA project that benefited from funding provided by the MIUR (Minitero Istruzione Università e della Ricerca) - Decreto MIUR 1118 del 04/12/2019, within the Pianeta Dinamico project. References Alparone, S., Barberi, G., Giampiccolo, E.,Maiolino, V., Mostaccio, A., Musumeci, C., et al.; 2020: Seismological constraints on the 2018 Mt. Etna (Italy) flank erupCon and implicaCons for the flank dynamics of the volcano. Terranova 32, 334–344. doi: 10.1111/ ter.12463 Del Negro C., Cappello A., Biloba G., Gangi G., Hérault A., Zago V.; 2019: Living at the edge of an ac9ve volcano: Risk from lava flows on Mt. Etna. GSA BulleCn; Month/Month 2019; 0; p. 1–11; hbps:// Dolce, M., Prota, A., Borzi, B., da Porto, F., Lagomarsino, S., Magenes, G., Moroni, C., Penna, A., Polese, M., Speranza, E., Verderame, G. M., Zuccaro, G.; 2021: Seismic risk assessment of residen9al buildings in Italy . Bull Earthquake Eng 19, 2999–3032, hbps:// Grünthal, G.; 1998: European macroseismic scale 1998 (EMS-98) . In: Cahiers du Centre Européen de Géodynamique et de Séismologie, Vol. 15. Luxembourg: Conseil de l’Europe ISTAT (2011) 15° Censimento generale della popolazione e abitazioni.Retrieved February, 2022, from hbp:// Lagomarsino S., Cabari S., Obonelli D.; 2021: The heuris9c vulnerability model: fragility curves for masonry buildings . Bull Earthquake Eng 19, 3129–3163. hbps:// s10518-021-01063-7 Meroni F., Pessina V., Azzaro R., D'Amico S., Scollo S.; 2022: From seismic damage assessment to a risk volcanic scenarios in the area of Mount Etna (Sicily) . 2nd Int. Conf. on Urban Risk, 30 june-2 July, Lisbon Pessina V., Meroni F., Azzaro R., D’Amico S.; 2021: Applying simulated seismic damage scenarios in the volcanic region of Mount Etna (Sicily): a case-study from the MW 4.9, 2018 earthquake . Front. Earth Sci. 9:629184. doi: 10.3389/feart.2021.629184 hbps:// www.fronCersin.or g/arCcles/10.3389/feart.2021.629184/full Pessina, V., Garcia, A., Meroni, M., Sandri, L., Selva, J., Azzaro, R., Bevilacqua, A., Biloba, G., Branca, S., Coltelli, M., D'Amico, S., de’ Michieli Viburi, M., EsposC Ongaro, T., Ganci, G., Mereu, L., Scollo S., and Cappello, A.; 2022: From mul9-hazard to mul9-risk at Mount