GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 2.2 GNGTS 2024 SISMIKO: the operaHonal task force for seismic networks rapid deployments and integraHon in the INGV monitoring system. D. Piccinini 1 , E. D’Alema 1 , S. MarzoraH 1 , M. MoreU 1 , L. MargheriH 1 and SISMIKO Group 1 Is9tuto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (Italia) SISMIKO is the operaConal group within the IsCtuto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia responsible for deploying a temporary seismic network as a rapid response to significant seismic events [Morem et al., 2023; hbps:// ]. The purpose of the temporary seismic network is to complement the RSNi (Rete Sismica Nazionale integrata) by reducing the inter-staCon distances of permanent staCons, where necessary. SISMIKO has a distributed structure across various INGV headquarters naConwide and in recent years has equipped itself with a consistent set of around 50 seismo-accelerometric staCons and an autonomous acquisiCon system. This system makes the acquired data available, without restricCons, to the enCre scienCfic community through the Italy node of the European Integrated Data Archive (EIDA [Danecek et al., 2021]) portal, ensuring a high level of data quality. To ensure a rapid response following an earthquake and rapid integraCon of data collected by emergency staCons, a codified procedure has been established. Through this procedure, the metadata of each staCon is pre-configured and the data flow coming from these staCons is collected within an acquisiCon system [D'Alema et al., 2022]. This semng allows the rapid use, if necessary, of the data obtained by SISMIKO - aper a quality control - by the seismologists on duty at the INGV OperaCons Room [MargheriC et al., 2021]. Today, over 100 INGV personnel join SISMIKO group: technicians, technologists and researchers from each of the headquarters distributed across the naConal territory. A new configuraCon in AcCvity Groups allows to coordinate the distributed personnel and to cover all the aspects in the preparaCon of the emergency such as the technical management of the instrumentaCon, the field operaCons, to maintain contacts with the INGV Crisis Unit and the other OperaConal Groups and to develop automaCc procedures to analyse real Cme seismic data (Fig 1). Besides the operaConal aspects, in recent years SISMIKO has promoted the recovery of conCnuous data recorded by temporary seismic staCons installed during past seismic sequences such as in L'Aquila 2009, Po Plain 2012 and Central Italy 2016. By reconstrucCng the complete staCon's metadata, it is now possible to distribute the data to the scienCfic community through the EIDA portal.