GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 2.2 GNGTS 2024 Sorware applicaHons for mulH-level safety management of healthcare faciliHes network Sandoli 1,2 , D. Gargaro 3 , D. GenHle 4 , M. A. Notarangelo 3 , G. Fabbrocino 1,2 1 University of Molise, Dept. of Biosciences and Territory, Campobasso, Italy 2 Ins9tute for Construc9on Technologies ITC-CNR, Na9onal Research Council, L’Aquila, Italy 3 S2X S.r.l., Campobasso, Italy 4 University of Molise, Dept. of Medicine and Health Sciences, Campobasso, Italy IntroducHon Earthquakes occurred worldwide demonstrated that hospital infrastructures have open experienced significant damage to structural and non-structural components, producing difficulCes during the post-event emergency management phases and economic losses [1]. Collapses or severe damage of hospitals in a given area have had tremendous consequences on both injured peoples, which need immediate medical abenCon, and paCents in the hospitals, thus reducing the resilience of the communiCes. This phenomenon is parCcularly felt in the so called Inner or Peripheric Areas, where the health infrastructure network is composed with few hospitals open not well interconnected among them, making difficult the emergency management. In this framework, it appears evident the needs of idenCfying safety management strategies of the health infrastructure network, based on mulC-level approach, i.e. involving management strategies from large scale (Regional or sub-Regional) up to single-scale building approach. On the other hand, it is also true that the management of healthcare faciliCes engages a transversal concept of safety which must be regarded at different levels: it involves the safety of structural and non-structural elements under severe and moderate seismic events and that of workers in workplaces in the sense of the Italian LegislaCve Decree n.81 released in 2008 [2]. The LD81/08 supplies general measures aimed at protecCng the safety and the health of workers in workplaces, valid for all private and public acCvity sectors and for all types of risk [3]. These measures - of primary importance for developing a complete framework for seismic risk assessment of health services in the post-event and for strategizing risk miCgaCon plans - should be conveniently implemented in probabilisCc safety assessment methods. This paper presents an operaConal framework supported by sopware applicaCons aimed at approaching from an engineering perspecCve the management of the occupaConal health and safety in criCcal infrastructures [4]. AbenCon herein is focussed on the mulC-level safety management of health services network. The first part is devoted to data collecCon regarding safety assessment of workers condiCons in the workplace, while the second part is devoted at performing ProbabilisCc Structural Safety Assessment (PSSA) of health faciliCes with an integrated approach at different scales. DefiniHon of a comprehensive framework for occupaHonal safety and health management
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