GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 2.2 GNGTS 2024 Safety management of exisCng health facility structures represents a complex task, because involving the “container” (i.e., structural and non-structural components) and the “content” i.e., safety of workers in workplaces as defined by the LD 81/08. In this regard, a general mulC-scale framework to support the safety management of the health facility structures is proposed in Fig. 1, discussed in the following. With the term “mulC-level” is here intended scalable datasets and procedures oriented to safety assessment at different levels of deepening. The scales can be substanCally organized in three different macro-levels: large- (Level 1), medium- (Level 2) and single-scale buildings (Level 3). The large-scale evaluaCons involve the safety assessment of a network of heath facility structures located in a given area whose extension coincides with Regional of sub-Regional boundaries; medium scale concerns a group of building consCtuCng the hospital campus, while a single-scale refers to single building belonging to the health facility. For safety management purposes involving the Levels 1 and 2, data can be conveniently collected in remote through web-based crowd-sourcing technologies, eventually complemented with data coming from on-site surveys. In the case of the Level 3, on-site inspecCons - eventually integrated with data coming from structural health monitoring - are necessary to collect structural-typological informaCon and details regarding the building characterisCcs. In addiCon, on-site inspecCons to collect data regarding the condiCon of workers on workplaces are necessary. Once the data are collected, different procedures of data treatment can be adopted depending on the scale level required to conduct safety assessment. Less detailed data in the case of procedures involving probabilisCc-based structural safety evaluaCons at large and medium scale are required, while more detailed informaCon in the case of single-scale building are necessary (both from structural and safety on workplace point of view). Data, collected and filtered as a funcCon of the considered scale-level, represent the input for implemenCng mulC-level safety assessment methodologies, the laber chosen among those available in literature. As a result, a baseline for defining risk miCgaCon strategies against natural events of health faciliCes network is obtained. Note that, data collecCon, data treatment and safety assessment are procedures which can be by automated through digital tools, facilitaCng the mulC-level management phases of the infrastructure network from the AuthoriCes both in case of emergency or in to plan miCgaCon strategies. Fig. 1 – MulC-level framework for safety management of health faciliCes structures Digital tools for safety assessment and management In this paper two sopware devoted to support the implementaCon of safety management strategies of health facility structures are presented. The sopware are named as follows: