GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 2.2 GNGTS 2024 HF-INSPECT, allows on-site data collecCon regarding (i) risks related to safety of workers in workplaces as defined by the LD81/08 (electric, biologic abacks, fire, etc.) and (ii) structural typological characterisCcs of buildings (material-type, age of construcCon, structural details). HF-ALL RISKS, enables a comprehensive PSSA of the health faciliCes (i.e., referred to a network of structures or to single buildings). Data to be included in the sopware can be collected through web-mapping procedures, eventually combined with on-site surveys. HF- INSPECT includes a digital form to support on site census acCvity. Data collecCon regards: (i) informaCon on personnel working inside the structure, (ii) metric data (i.e. plan and secCons) of the structure and their use desCnaCon, (iii) layout of the installaCons, (iv) list of electromedical devices, (v) idenCficaCon of the risks affecCng the specific working place according to LD81/08 (Fig. 2). This survey acCvity is integrated with interviews to medical personnel operaCng in the structure. Moreover, HF-INSPECT includes a specific layout called as “structural form” which allows to collect data related to safety and operaConal condiCons of the structure. In parCcular, the form allows to upload data relaCve to age of construcCon, structural characterisCcs, type of soil, presence of structural intervenCons and seismological data. InformaCon relaCve to structural characterisCcs are of paramount importance to implement PSSA analysis and they are directly interconnected with the HF-ALL RISKS sopware. Fig. 2 – HF-INSPECT sopware HF-ALL RISKS generates mulC-scale PSSA of health facility structures using the Typological Fragility Matrices (TFM) [5]. Typically, such type of analysis is conducted by developing typological fragility curves, which provide the exceedance probability of a Limit State threshold associated with convenConal earthquakes condiConed to an IM parameter described through peak-ground, spectral or macroseismic parameters. Instead, TFM computes the exceedance probability using a vectorial form of the IM, for instance composed by magnitude M and distance R, leading to a three-dimensional representaCon of the fragility (Fig. 3). The change of variable from a single peak-ground/spectral or macroseismic
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