GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 2.2 GNGTS 2024 parameter to (M-R) is obtained by disaggregaCng the ground moCon through Ground MoCon PredicCon EquaCons (GMPE). To develop the sopware, the GMPE provided by Bindi et al. 2011 [6] was used, which consider the magnitude of the event, the epicentral distance, type of soil and type of fault. The sopware allows to esCmate the PSSA based on the three fundamental steps: a) structural-typological classificaCon of the building classes, b) computaCon of fragility, c) definiCon of a safety threshold defining a demand-to-capacity raCo. As far as the building classes is concerned, each analysed hospital structure is associated to a structural-typological building class. Basically, within the sopware, the five classes of masonry buildings and the four classes of reinforced concrete ones defined in [7] have been considered, but they can be also changed with other building classes available in the literature. The associaCon to the building class is based on the informaCon available in HF- INSPECT integrated with web-mapping cataloguing procedures. For each building class, the sopware esCmates the TFM compuCng the CumulaCve Density FuncCon (CDF), as follows [5]: where PGA is the peak-ground acceleraCon threshold, M the magnitude of the event, R the epicentral distance, LS the Limit State considered for the structure (in this case the UlCmate Limit State). By cumng the TFM with a M-CDF or R-CDF plane the corresponding fragility curves are also provided by the sopware. Moreover, the report of the conducted analysis can be downloaded in .pdf format. Finally, by selecCng a set of earthquake scenarios in terms of (M, R), for instance those provided by the ProbabilisCc Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA) or with reference to an earthquake occurred at a given epicentral distance between with respect a hospital infrastructure and characterized with a given magnitude, the probabilisCc structural safety level of the invesCgated structure can be idenCfied. CDF = P [ PGA ¯ ] = PGA ¯ ∫ 0 f ( im ) dim = PGA ( M , R ) ∫ 0 f ( im ) dim