GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 2.2 GNGTS 2024 Fig. 3. Above examples of residenCal building images provided by local partners for selected EMCA typologies; in parCcular, two types of EMCA1 are shown (URM-2 and RM-M). typical precast panel buildings (a, b) and adobe buildings (d, e), which correspond to the EMCA3 and EMCA4 typologies, respecCvely. Below, examples of the number of buildings in each 500 m cell belonging to one sub-typology of EMCA1 (unreinforced masonry, URM1) in the enCre Central Asian region (lep) and in a selected area (right). ReconstrucHon costs of residenHal buildings: Past research projects provided an esCmate of reconstrucCon costs for residenCal building typologies (Pibore et al., 2020) and other assets (Project ’Measuring Seismic Risk in Kyrgyz Republic’, World Bank project P149630). Here, we updated the informaCon with reconstrucCon costs retrieved by local partners for each country. Costs provided by local partners were compared with each country’s GDP 2020 per capita, and across the different countries. In order to reduce discrepancies between country-specific costs, and to provide a regionally-consistent dataset of reconstrucCon costs. The final exposure layers contain, for each asset type, the average reconstrucCon cost for each country, converted from local currency to USD (Table 2). The residenCal buildings content cost can be esCmated based on the procedure described in the HAZUS inventory technical manual (2021). The content cost is expressed as a percentage of the building structural cost, and is 50% for all residenCal building types.