GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 2.2 GNGTS 2024 the use of naConal and sub-naConal data and remote sensing images. The global and regional-scale datasets were substanCally improved also thanks to the large amount of country-based data provided by local partners. Such data were collected for each country in Central Asia as a result of an extensive effort, carried out in cooperaCon with the consorCum partners in the region (See Peresan et al., 2023 for details). We are therefore thankful to all the working team for their contribuCons to the development of the exposure layers. References Peresan A., Scaini C., Tyagunov S., Ceresa P.; 2023: Capacity Building Experience for Disaster Risk ReducCon in Central Asia. Natural hazard and Eart System Sciences. hbps:// 10.5194/nhess-2023-156 . Preprint. Discussion started: 6 September 2023. Pibore M., Haas M. and Silva V.; 2020: Variable resoluCon probabilisCc modeling of residenCal exposure and vulnerability for risk applicaCons. Earthquake Spectra, 36(1_suppl), pp. 321–344. doi: 10.1177/8755293020951582. Wieland M., Pibore M., Parolai S., Begaliev U., Yasunov P., Niyazov J., Tyagunov S., Moldobekov B., Saidiy S., Ilyasov I., Abakanov T.; 2015: Towards a cross-border exposure model for the Earthquake Model Central Asia. Ann. Geophys 58 . Scaini C., Tamaro A., Adilkhan B., Sarzhanov S., Ismailov V., Umaraliev R., Safarov M., Belikov V., Karayev J., Faga E.; 2023a: A new regionally consistent exposure database for Central Asia: populaCon and residenCal buildings. Natural hazard and Eart System Sciences . hbps:// . Preprint. Discussion started: 19 June 2023. Scaini C., Tamaro A., Adilkhan B., Sarzhanov S., Ismailov V., Umaraliev R., Safarov M., Belikov V., Karayev J., Faga E.; 2023b: A regional scale approach to assess non-residenCal buildings, transportaCon and croplands exposure in Central Asia. Natural hazard and Eart System Sciences. hbps:// . Preprint. Discussion started: 21 June 2023. Corresponding author:
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