GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 2.2 GNGTS 2024 A new service for the exchange of naHonal and transboundary staHon informaHon: STATION ( Seismic sTATion and amplificatION service ) G. Tarchini 1 , D. Spallarossa 1 , D. Scafidi 1 , S. Parolai 2 , M. Picozzi 3 , D. Bindi 4 1 DISTAV, University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy 2 Department of Mathema9cs, Informa9cs and Geosciences, University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy 3 Na9onal Ins9tute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics – OGS, Udine, Italy 4 Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany STATION ( Seismic sTATion and sIte amplifica9ON – hbps:// ) is the prototype of a web interface and service for the exchange and disseminaCon of ‘seismological’ data related to seismic staCons installed since 2005 on Italian territory and in cross-border areas that have recorded seismic events with local magnitude values greater than 1.8. By ‘seismological data’ we mean products from the processing of seismic signals that are useful for a ‘seismic’ characterisaCon of the staCon: for example, horizontal-to- verCcal spectral raCos from noise and S phases as well as residuals of magnitude. Processing is quasi-automaCc based on INGV reference data. It consists of: ● the selecCon of data records within a radius of 120 km from the event; ● the automaCc picking of P and S phases; ● the calculaCon of horizontal-to-verCcal spectral raCos, average and NS and EW components separately, both for the S-wave phase and noise windows; and ● the calculaCon of staCon magnitude, and subsequently of the residual of magnitude. Currently, the STATION database includes more than 2,200 seismic staCons throughout the enCre naConal territory and neighbouring states (Fig. 1) and was created by processing data of more than 15,000 seismic events and two million of waveforms. In this way, about four million values for magnitude residuals and horizontal-to-verCcal curves were obtained. For each staCon a dedicated webpage is available (Fig. 2), developed according to FAIR principles, through which it is possible to access general staCon informaCon and seismological data. Each staCon webpage contains: ● an interacCve map showing the staCon locaCon; ● a table containing site name, staCon code, network, locaCon, channel, link to staCon metadata, link to staCon data in the Earthquake Strong Mo9on ( ESM ) database, and the link to download a PDF summary document of the staCon; ● another table containing the number of S phases and noise Cme-windows analysed, magnitude and hypocentral distance ranges, start Cme and end Cme; and ● plots of noise spectra (mean) and horizontal-to-verCcal spectral raCos – average and NS and EW components separately – for both the S-wave phase and noise windows.
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