GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 2.3 GNGTS 2024 these needs are mainly to be found in the spheres of cognitve needs, to obtain informaton about risks independently, and of integratve personality needs to search for post-emergency informaton should they be involved in a disaster event (Wachinger et al., 2013). In this case, one of the strengths that enabled the self-informaton of online environments to reach the general public sooner also concerns regulatory management. While the early warning broadcast systems provide for centralized management with a strong normatve and accountability component - as well as relevant technological systems managed by experts in the feld - (Valbonesi et al, 2019,2021) the internet is not jurisdictonal with regard to the sharing of communicatve content except from the point of view of data protecton, and mild regulatons exercised by private individuals operatng SNSs, it is mult-modal and the communicaton that takes place in it is self-generated in terms of content, self-directed in terms of emission mechanisms, and self-selected in terms of recepton. The Early Warning System for Natural Hazards Early warning systems (EWS) are part of the risk communicaton framework. According to the 2006 report of the United Natons General Ofce for Disaster Risk Reducton (UNDRR), communicaton is one of the four components of an EWS together with risk knowledge, monitoring, warning and message disseminaton. In 2017, the UNDRR defnes an early warning system as “ An integrated system of hazard monitoring, forecastng and predicton, disaster risk assessment, communicaton and preparedness actvites systems and processes that enables individuals, communites, governments, businesses and others to take tmely acton to reduce disaster risks in advance of hazardous events”. The provided defniton actually follows point-by-point the alert process, which needs specifc instruments and expert human resources to be issued. For this study proposal, rather than the systems and protocols for sending/receiving the message, I will focus on the socio-demographic, gender, cultural and livelihood aspects of the recipients, in order to beter target users' actons according to the alert and facilitate the operatons of emergency managers. For this I started from a preliminary survey conducted in New Zealand by J. Becker et al. where, as of 2020 - the year of the study - an early warning system for earthquakes had not yet been implemented. Becker's team, in that context, conducted a survey of the public's acceptability, attudes and perceptons regarding the development and recepton of earthquake early warnings, before the government decided to invest money in the technology. The interviewees in that case expressed a positve opinion about the system, suggestng some substantal informaton regarding, for example, the warning threshold, the actons they would take within a few seconds before they felt the earthquake and those they would take within a few minutes before the tremor started. An applicable and replicable methodology, useful to produce relevant and directly usable informaton for risk mitgaton insttutons.