GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 2.3 GNGTS 2024 Rafiana, I., Jalayer, F., Cerase, A., Cugliari, L., Baiguera, M., Salmanidou, D., ... & Hancilar, U. (2022). Tsunami risk communicaton and management: Contemporary gaps and challenges. Internatonal Journal of Disaster Risk Reducton, 70, 102771 . htps:// j.ijdrr.2021.102771 Renn, O. (2020). Risk communicaton: Insights and requirements for designing successful communicaton programs on health and environmental hazards. In Handbook of risk and crisis communicaton (pp. 80-98). Routledge. Steglitz, S., & Dang-Xuan, L. (2013). Social media and politcal communicaton: a social media analytcs framework. Social network analysis and mining, 3, 1277-1291. UNDRR (United Natons for Disaster Risk Reducton). (2006). Developing early warning systems: from concept to acton. A checklist. Third internatonal conference on early warning, United Natons (UN), Bonn, Germany . htps:// accessed 21 August 2023 UNDRR (United Natons Internatonal Strategy for Disaster Reducton). (2015). Sendai framework for disaster risk reducton 2015–2030. A/CONF.224/CRP.1. Geneva, Switzerland . htps:// United Natons Foundaton (2010). New technologies in emergencies and conficts report: The role of informaton and social networks (New York: United Natons Foundaton, 2010). Valbonesi, C., Amato, A., & Cerase, A. (2019). The INGV Tsunami Alert Centre: analysis of the responsibility profles, procedures and risk communicaton issues. Bolletno di Geofsica Teorica ed Applicata . htps:// Valbonesi, C. (2021). Between necessity and legal responsibility: the development of EEWS in Italy and its internatonal framework. Fronters in Earth Science, 9, 685153 . htps:// feart.2021.685153 Wachinger, G., Renn, O., Begg, C., & Kuhlicke, C. (2013). The risk percepton paradox—implicatons for governance and communicaton of natural hazards. Risk analysis, 33(6), 1049-1065. WMO (World Meteorological Organizaton) (2022). Early Warning and Antcipatory Acton. In Bulletn Vol. 71 (1) . htp:// accessed 14 Dec 2023 Zimmerman, R. (1987). A process framework for risk communicaton. Science, Technology, & Human Values, 12(3/4), 131-137 . htp:// Corresponding Author: