GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 2.3 GNGTS 2024 Table 1: Tsunami Ready programme indicators Among the strengths of the programme is the voluntary, performance-based community recogniton to promote preventon and preparedness through the actve collaboraton of natonal and local civil protecton agencies, land management authorites, scientsts and citzens. Therefore, Tsunami Ready can be considered in a mixed-methods framework. Besides a methodology based on standard indicators, there is an underlying qualitatve approach that promotes interacton and partcipaton between the various partes involved at various levels. These principles are embedded both between the SDGs of the UN 2030 agenda and Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reducton to “Make cites and human setlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable” and to highlight the need to invest in, develop, maintain and enhance mult-hazard, mult-sectoral early warning and forecastng systems (UNISDR, 2018). Such systems should be user-oriented, adoptng a partcipatory, people-centred approach, and include efectve risk communicaton mechanisms in disaster and emergency situatons. In table below we condensed the strengths and critcalites emerged from the applicaton (described below). Strenghts Problems/Critcalites A clear strategy with a fnite number of objectves (12) Careful defniton of the inundaton areas (need for detailed DTM and local scale modeling) The internatonal (IOC-UNESCO) framework limits the sphere of possible liability of local authorites and collaborators /scientsts Bureaucracy (Mayor’s electon, complex purchase procedures, …) Inducement to risk educaton for young citzens (schools) Funding (specifc resources not available, must be allocated)