GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 2.3 GNGTS 2024 Table 2: strengths and weaknesses for the Tsunami Ready programme In Italy, the Tsunami Ready initatve was launched in 2020-2021 with the establishment of the Natonal Commitee (composed by the Natonal Department of Civil Protecton, ISPRA and INGV) and the identfcaton of three pilot coastal municipalites (Valbonesi, 2022). The frst three coastal municipalites to join the Tsunami Ready programme are: Minturno, in southern Latum, Palmi in Calabria and Pachino/Marzamemi in Sicily. In 2023, the Municipality of Otranto (LE) in Apulia also joined the programme. We are currently waitng for the municipal resoluton of the municipality of Lipari (ME), which will join the programme with Stromboli Island. The Italian coastal municipalites that joined the program are located in diferent areas of the peninsula, these areas also difer among themselves in I) tsunami hazard II) urban and environmental context III) socio-demographic compositon. Municipalites involved in achieving recogniton have enthusiastcally embraced the initatve and are moving forward, even if at diferent speeds, point by point through the grid indicators. Below we provide a summary map with some photographic and detailed elements for the initatves that, to date, have actvely involved the populaton (at various levels) in the pilot sites (Amato et al., 2023). Inducement to formaton and informaton for the populaton, including the attude towards a self protectve approach Competton with other more frequent hazards (foods, storms, fres, earthquakes) and local problems (trafc, streets conditons, seaside facilites management, …) Motvaton for a mult-risk approach Difculty in spreading TR to tens/hundreds coastal localites without a contnuous support by scientfc and CP experts (reaching the Ocean Decade target of 100% within 2030) Strenghts Problems/Critcalites