GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 2.3 GNGTS 2024 According to the Italian school system, nursery, primary and lower secondary schools, close to each other in the area and connected for administratve purposes, are brought together in a single Comprehensive Insttute (Isttuto Comprensivo), that is a mult-sit school. Outside the cites and the most populated centres, the Comprehensive Insttutes can gather schools of even 5-6 municipalites, and also have a dozen or more schools buildings ("plesso"). The project is structured in two main parts: in the frst we proceed with the training of teachers through three dedicated meetngs of a couple of hours each. The frst meetng was held in Calabria where the ASdT team was present in three diferent locatons in the area to give all teachers a chance to partcipate (Fig. 2, lef); the other two training meetngs were held remotely, in afernoon-evening hours, to meet the needs and availability of teachers. The other part of the project took place directly in classrooms: the ASdT team organized playful, interactve and multdisciplinary workshops with the support of teachers. Again, the frst workshop in the classrooms was carried out in person (Fig. 2, right), while the other two were carried out remotely, agreeing on the relevant schedule with the teachers. Fig.2 - Teachers training (lef) at Siderno (Reggio Calabria) and workshops in the classrooms (right) on March 2022 2.2. Refnement phase (AS. 2022-2023) With the start of the 2022-2023 school year, we worked to refne the educatonal programming and extend the network of involved schools. We held a series of meetngs open to all teachers to present the overall project. Almost all Comprehensive Insttutes actvated in 2021-2022 decided to contnue the project, and 21 new insttutes joined the existng network with the involvement of 58 teachers and 45 classes. Among the new insttutes were some upper secondary schools for which ad hoc actvites had to be planned (Tab. 1). 2.3. Current actvites (AS. 2023-2024) The project is currently underway in 20 Comprehensive Insttutes (Tab. 1). Some of the schools that have already partcipated (8) have proposed to contnue the actvity in new classrooms and