GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 2.3 GNGTS 2024 have shown interest in training new teachers (49). 12 schools, however, are joining for the frst tme. Tab. 1 – Number of involved Comprehensive Insttutes Training courses for teachers and actvites with students The three training meetngs for teachers covered the following topics: Some actvites were proposed to check motvatons for partcipatng in the project, and others to discuss and compare their own views of the earthquake. Techniques such as discussion and role- playing games were used that can be replicated later by teachers in classroom actvites. The inital meetng aimed to bring out the questons they personally considered most important and the most sensitve topics, which were then discussed in subsequent meetngs. The second meetng aimed to understand how to build knowledge about the earthquake by delving into the topic of earthquake risk. Through the fipped classroom model (Bergmann and Sams, 2012; Maglioni and Biscaro, 2014), some important topics were explored in depth through the use of scientfc models, historical documents, scientfc documentaton and discussions with "experts." Teachers then brainstormed and shared the informaton gathered. Finally, with work developed in small groups, the topic of educatonal planning was addressed, building and sharing working hypotheses to be implemented in classrooms. The actvites proposed to students in the classrooms are the following: The workshop on risk was proposed in the form of a comparison game. Two stories of common life situatons (a walk in the woods and a trip to the mountains) are presented in which risky conditons are included. The students’ behaviour choices become an opportunity to confront each other on the diferent propensity and acceptance of the level of risk, and respect for rules to safeguard themselves and the community The second workshop was devoted to exploring the imagery of the earthquake (how it occurs, what is its impact, how people react) through the inventon of stories, illustrated and described by Scolastc year Comprehensive Insttutes Trained teachers Classes with an avarage of
20 students/classe 2021-2022 17 41 17 2022-2023 21 58 45 2023-2024 20 49 --
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