GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 2.3 GNGTS 2024 the students. Through this work, they had the opportunity to show what they know or imagine about earthquakes and to represent what the occurrence of an earthquake means, questoning its possible consequences in both the short and long term. A key element of the project is to increase students' and adults' awareness of the hazard characteristcs of the area where they live, and thus its seismicity and seismic history. For this reason, in the third workshops, students were invited to collect testmonies and memories of family members or acquaintances related to seismic experiences. 4 Conclusions Afer the inital calibraton phase that saw an important presence of the ASdT team in the Calabrian territories for a couple of years, the project is now being organized to be self-sustainable and easily reproducible for all Calabrian schools. The constant demand for partcipaton from schools (this year the number of schools has increased) and the enthusiasm shown by teachers who have already partcipated and are renewing their presence, suggest the goodness and quality of the educatonal proposal. This fnding is not surprising because the educatonal proposal is consistent with the philosophy of Edurisk, which for more than 20 years has been ofering training to teachers to be able - together - to educate students (Pessina and Camassi, eds., 2012; Camassi et al. 2016). This approach has also proven efectve in recent experiences in other Italian territories in the northern Apennine area (Camassi et al., 2021; Ercolani et al., 2022). Frontal lectures, impartng notons, were banished, but mutual acquaintance actvites were proposed to assess the teachers' level of knowledge and degree of curiosity and interest. Students were ofered actve-learning laboratory actvites with the involvement of families and relatves. Wide-ranging topics were covered, from the concept of generic risk to seismic issues, dropped into the local reality, albeit with due local diference. In fact, one of the ultmate goals of this project is to provide an opportunity to verify personal experiences within one's family or social context: people are invited to search for traces of past earthquakes (recent or otherwise), through memories or signs on the territory for full awareness leading to risk reducton choices. Greater knowledge of risks and preventve measures can make the diference between an efectve response to an earthquake and a disaster situaton. Awareness campaigns through schools help identfy specifc community needs and customize awareness strategies, stmulatng collectve eforts to minimize risks. Acknowledgements The study presented in this artcle was developed under the agreement between INGV and the Department of Civil Protecton of the Calabria Region, with the collaboraton of the Regional School Ofce. The planned actvites were successfully carried out thanks to the willingness and passion of the heads and teachers of the Insttutes that joined the project.