GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 2.3 GNGTS 2024 Preparing for disasters through games: a worth taking bet? M. Giufrè 1 , M. S. Benigni 1 , I. Gaudiosi 1 , M. Mancini 1 , M. Moscatelli 1 1 Isttuto di Geologia Ambientale e Geoingegneria (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italia) The risk educaton represents a signifcant factor in improving the awareness and knowledge required to reduce the impact of earthquakes on the territories (UN, 2015). For this reason, the Insttute of Environmental Geology and Geoengineering of the Natonal Research Council has established an educatonal laboratory aimed at helping students understanding the concept of seismic risk and disseminatng knowledge about mitgaton measures to reduce the impact of disasters (Gaudiosi et al. 2022) . The chosen target was also calibrated in light of the young people's renewed interest in new technologies and diferent editorial forms (comics and graphic novels).
 The laboratory hopes to transmit methods for sismic microzonaton and earthquakeresistent city planning (Benigni et al. 2022), through tabletop games and three-dimensional representatons of the territory (Gaudiosi et al. 2023). The direct and shared partcipaton in laboratory actvites, combined with game experience (Filomena et al. 2023), promotes understanding of the physical phenomenon of the earthquake, its consequences and efects, and the discussion of one's own prejudices.
 The measurement of acquired awareness is carried out using appropriate questonnaires.
 Finally, the goal of this contributon is to establish a cross-insttutonal network in which the authors partcipate in order to disseminate and confront proposals for integrated risk communicaton methods throughout the scientfc community. References Benigni M. S., Fontana C., Giufrè M., Tomassoni V.; 2022. L'analisi della Condizione Limite per l'Emergenza a dieci anni dalla sua isttuzione: limit atuali e potenzialità future, Urbanistca informazioni. ISSN: 2239-4222 Filomena M. G., Pace B., De Acets M., Aquino A., Crescimbene M., Pace M., & Alparone F. R.; 2023. Play to Learn: A Game to Improve Seismic-Risk Percepton. Sustainability, 15 (5), 1-11. Gaudiosi I. et al.; 2022. From the Insttute of Environmental Geology and Geoengineering of the Natonal Research Council (CNR IGAG) to schools: introducing cultural heritage into classrooms to foster awareness about natural risk preventon. Rendicont Online della Società Geologica Italiana. DOI: 10.3301/ROL.2022.14;