GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 2.3 GNGTS 2024 ministries and agencies. Decisions are made by politcal ofcials with limited stakeholder input. Actons are implemented according to rigid plans with few feedback loops to course correct. However, the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change have proved the limitatons of such linear, siloed governance in our modern, complex world. Risks emerge from dynamic interactons across many interconnected human and natural systems, defying segmentaton. Uncertainty and emergent, non-linear behaviours demand contnual learning and adaptaton not allowed for in rigid structures. Vulnerable communites fall through cracks without grassroots collaboraton. Crucially, "playing the game" fosters adaptve processes wherein actons are contnuously calibrated alongside monitoring and feedback. Plans evolve in tandem with changes in conditons on the context or new insights. Responses fll emergent needs through grassroots acton complementng strategy. Governance demonstrates agility unseen in rigid, compartmental approaches. Governance is a multfaceted process that involves understanding complex problems, making informed decisions, and implementng actons to achieve specifc goals (Fig. 1). In today's intricate and uncertain world, marked by systemic risks, this process becomes even more crucial. Efectve governance demands a dynamic and adaptve approach, recognizing the interconnectons and uncertaintes inherent in our complex global landscape. Fig. 1 - Non-linear governance process in a changing context: diferent perspectves of the diferent subject. An essental passage in governance is gaining a deep understanding of the problem at hand. In our modern world, issues are rarely isolated; instead, they are embedded in a web of interconnected factors. This complexity requires a nuanced understanding of the root causes, potental impacts, and the broader context in which the problem exists. The governance process requires making decisions that are both strategic and contextually relevant. Decisions must be informed by a comprehensive understanding of the complexity, considering the diverse and ofen interdependent factors that contribute to the issue. The decision-making process should be agile, allowing for adjustments based on emerging informaton and changing circumstances. Putng in place actons is the means for passing from decision to goal atainment. Actons must be carefully crafed to address the specifc facets of the problem. This requires a proactve stance, adaptng to unforeseen challenges and leveraging opportunites as they arise. In the dynamic landscape of contemporary governance, each passage — understanding, decision- making, and implementaton — demands a contnuous feedback loop. Regular assessments and evaluatons ensure that strategies remain efectve and adaptable. Feedback mechanisms provide