GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 2.3 GNGTS 2024 with an unpredictable adversary. As hazards become more intricate, the need for a paradigm shif becomes evident. Transitoning from risk to safety involves a shif from reactve measures to proactve, preventve actons. Instead of primarily focusing on responding to disasters, safety-oriented governance aims to prevent or minimize their impacts through strategic planning, investment in resilient infrastructure, and community empowerment. Safety-focused governance demands an integrated and inclusive approach. Governments, communites, and stakeholders must collaborate to develop and implement policies that consider the mult-dimensional aspects of disaster risk. This entails breaking down silos and fostering coordinaton among various sectors such as health, educaton, infrastructure, and environment. Shifing the focus from managing risks to enhancing safety requires passing to acton, through substantal investments and endeavours in resilient infrastructure, early warning systems, and capacity-building programs. Allocatng resources strategically based on vulnerability assessments is crucial for long-term safety, however any endeavour relies on a combinaton of strategic planning, skilled executon, adaptability, efectve governance, stakeholder engagement, monitoring and evaluaton, risk management, ethical consideratons, and a commitment to contnuous improvement. The transiton from risk to safety is a fundamental shif in mindset and strategy, requiring a holistc and forward-looking approach to disaster risk reducton. Governments must lead this transformaton by adoptng integrated and inclusive governance, investng in resilience, empowering communites, and crafing adaptve policies. Embracing safety as a core principle ensures that natons are not merely reactve to threats but are actvely working towards creatng a safer, more resilient future for all. Conclusion. Governance in our complex and uncertain world is a dynamic process that requires a holistc understanding, strategic decision-making, and a contextualized and adaptve implementaton. Systemic risks add layers of complexity, emphasizing the need for contnuous feedback loops to navigate challenges efectvely. The dual perspectves of players and observers contribute to a comprehensive and evolving approach to governance, fostering resilience and sustainable solutons in an ever-changing global landscape. The governance framework emphasises the importance of knowledge transfer between passages, especially the one between science and decision-makers. New challenges are open for defning and implementng efectve communicaton for resilient governance. Acknowledgements. We would like to express our sincere grattude to the members of the UNESCO Chair at the University of Udine for their interdisciplinary observatons and contributons to the refectons presented here. These insights have also served as a source of thoughtul discussions during the actvites of the ResiliEnhance platorm within the Central European Initatve projects. References Ahmad Basri, S. A., Syed Zakaria, S. A., A.Majid, T., & Yusop, Z. (2022). Exploring awareness and applicaton of disaster risk management cycle (DRMC) from stakeholder’s perspectve.