GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 1.1 GNGTS 2024 Duman T.Y., Emre O.; 2013: The East Anatolian Fault: geometry, segmentaton and jog characteristcs. Geol. Soc. Lond. Spec. Publ., 372, doi:10.1144/SP372.14. Okada Y.; 1985: Surface deformaton due to shear and tensile faults in a half-space. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 75(4), doi:10.1785/BSSA0750041135. Lomax A.; 2023: Precise, NLL.SSST-coherence hypocenter catalog for the 2023 Mw 7.8 and Mw 7.6 Turkey earthquake sequence, March 2023. htps:// -Q, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7699882. Melgar, D., Taymaz T., Ganas A., Crowell B., Ocalan T., Kahraman M., Tsitorni V., Yolsal-Cevikbil S., Valkaniots S., Irmark T.S., Eken T., Erman C., Ozkan B., Dogan A.H., Altuntas C.; 2023: Sub- and super-shear ruptures during the 2023 Mw 7.8 and Mw 7.6 earthquake doublet in SE Turkiye. Seismica 2(3), doi:10.26443/seismica.v.2i3.387. Stein, R.S., Barka A.A., Dieterich J.H.; 1997: Progressive failure on the North Anatolian fault since 1939 by ea r t hquake s t res s t r i g ge r i ng . Geophys . J . I nt . , 128 , do i : 10 . 1111/ j.1365-246X.1997.tb05321.x. Corresponding author:
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