GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 2.3 GNGTS 2024 Risk educaton and communicaton: the experience of serious games and Situated Learning Episodes (ELS) in Pandemic G . L. Piangiamore 1 and A. Maramai 2 1 Isttuto Nazionale di Geofsica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma2, Sede di Lerici, 19032 Lerici, Italy 2 Isttuto Nazionale di Geofsica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Sede di Roma, 00143 Rome, Italy Natural risk educaton is an essental component for disaster risk preventon: school educaton is crucial in the enhancement of knowledge and in risk awareness, to trigger changes towards rights choices for the Society as a whole. The researchers of the Isttuto Nazionale di Geofsica e Vulcanologia (INGV) actvites devoted to schools bring students closer to the world of Research, focussing on earthquakes, tsunamis, foods issues in a non-formal context. The main aim is to train future proactve and resilient citzens, encouraging the personal development of the contents discussed with the experts, by using trasformatonal learning actvites through digital games and Episodes of Situated Learning (ESL) (Rivoltella, 2013a). During the COVID19 Pandemic, we have experienced, by remote learning, diferent actve learning methods to enhance behavioral change in order to ease the automaton of best practces of Civil Protecton. Dealing inductvely with concepts of hazard and risk, a set of digital scientfc games, partcipatve escape rooms and ESL s have been designed, involving more than 10,000 students from Primary, Middle and High schools in the last four years. The answers of both teachers and students to the satsfacton questonnaires submited at the end of each scientfc special event, showed that these experimentatons have turned out to be tools of school-based civic educaton. During online scientfc special venues, such as the European Researchers’ Nights 2020-2023, the World Water Day 2021, the World Earth Day 2021, the Rome Science Festval 2021, the 10th anniversary of the 2011 Ligurian foods and the World Environment Day 2022, World Environment Day 2022, EPALE EDU HACK 2022 competton, and Fosforo Science Festval of Senigallia (MC) 2023, diferent actvites were implemented. In partcular, our didactc multhazard serious games concerning earthquakes, tsunami, food and climate change, were used to explain natural phenomena and to communicate science . Salvina's adventures have been created: a young girl faces several hazardous situatons, from earthquake to food, to environmental issues. She is the protagonist of four educatonal quizzes: “Salvina and the earthquake: what will she do?”, “Salvina and the food: what will she do?”, “Salvina and the environment: what will she do?” and “Salvina and the 4Rs: what will she do?” and of the online Escape Room “Let’s free Salvina!” to elude natural risks. A second Escape, “4S: Salvina and Samanta Save the Species” , dealing with environmental issues to promote sustainable behavior, was designed in a partcipatory approach