GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 2.3 GNGTS 2024 References Comunello, F., Polidoro, P., Lauciani, V., Mulargia, S., and Casarot, E. (2015). “No misunderstandings during earthquakes: Elaboratng and testng a standardized tweet structure for automatc earthquake detecton informaton,” in ISCRAM 2015 Conference Proceedings 12th Internatonal Conference on Informaton Systems for Crisis Response and Management, (Kristansand, Norway University of Agder (UiA)). Editors M. Büscher, T. Comes, and A. Hughes 7, 2411–3387. Pignone, M., Nostro, C., Amato, A., Casarot, E., and Piromallo, C. (2012). The INGVterremot blog: A new communicaton tool to improve earthquake informaton during the Po Plain Seismic sequence. Ann. Geophys. 55, 42. doi:10.4401/ag-6179 Pignone M, Amato A, Nostro C, Casarot E, Melet C, Quintliani M and Lauciani V (2022), Public earthquake communicaton in Italy through a multsource social media platorm: The INGVterremot experience (2010–2022). Front. Earth Sci. 10:1003867. doi: 10.3389/ feart.2022.1003867 Corresponding author: