GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 2.3 GNGTS 2024 Trust in authorites and experts as shaping factor of risk percepton R. Russo 1 , M. V. Gargiulo 1 , R. Iorio 2 , G. Cavalca 2 , P. Capuano 1 1 Università degli Studi di Salerno, Department of Physics “E.R. Caianiello”, Fisciano (SA), Italy 2 Università degli Studi di Salerno , Department of Politcal and Social Studies, Fisciano (SA), Italy In September 2019, the United Natons Secretary-General, António Guterres, remarked that our global community is experiencing a signifcant challenge known as 'Trust Defcit Disorder'. He noted a decline in people's trust in politcal insttutons, a growing polarizaton, and the increasing prevalence of populism. The decline in trust among European and non-European citzens is spanning various insttutonal levels and is a concerning aspect of the turbulent tmes experienced in Europe and beyond. In such a context, trust plays a pivotal role in all facets of disaster resilience, encompassing the relatonships between citzens and insttutons, citzens and experts, policymakers and experts, and among diferent governance levels. Risk percepton arise from an intricate interplay involving individuals, communites, insttutons, and experts. The H2020 CORE (sCience and human factOr for Resilient sociEty) project conducted a survey whose main scope is to understand the role of trust in scientfc experts (virologists, geoscientsts, biologists, and experts in general in the disaster resilience feld) in determining citzens’ risk percepton. The tool is also targeted to disseminate proposed strategies to policymakers and practtoners useful to increase social acceptance of emergency procedures and risk mitgaton actons. The CORE questonnaire was developed using the SurveyMonkey tool and was designed to explore the connecton between trust in authorites and experts and risk percepton, specifcally concerning various risks such as earthquakes, tsunamis, pandemics, fash foods, industrial accidents, wildfres, and terrorist atacks. It was available in multple languages, including Italian, English, French, German, Hebrew, and Tagalog. The survey questons were catalogued in three diferent blocks, i.e. trust in Authorites and experts , risk percepton , and disasters’ preparedness . A fourth block of questons, useful to stratfy the sample, concerns socio economic and demographic characteristcs . Based on the existng literature in the investgated topics, we expect that data analysis will reveal the signifcance of trust in insttutons, including government authorites, the natonal health system, enforcement authorites, rescue authorites, and NGOs, as well as scientfc experts. Thus, it should highlight the central role of trust in shaping risk percepton. The ultmate goal of the research is to promote the development of a two-way trust: from citzens to insttutons, from experts to citzens, and vice versa. This aims to establish a collaboratve framework for efectve acton in reducing and preparing for disaster risks, and fostering the behavioral change.
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