GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 2.3 GNGTS 2024 Results The interest of the scientfc literature in the communicaton of seismic risks seems to begin shortly afer the Hyogo framework (Fig. 1a). The frst paper in our selected collecton was published in 2003 (Fig. 1b); the analysed publicatons were mainly published in geoscience journals (45%), risk or disaster journals (18%) and books (17%). The main topics covered are disasters, preparedness, risk percepton and social issues, and the most frequently mentoned country is Italy. Following the structure of the key questons described in the previous secton (Fig. 2), we summarise the main fndings below (more details are reported in Musacchio et al., 2023). Fig. 2 – Issues under investgaton for the screening of the selected publicatons. When - The overwhelming majority of the selected documents (75%) dealt with earthquake risk communicaton in ordinary tme (Fig. 3a) i.e., in the pre-event phase of the disaster risk management life cycle. Who - Research centres and universites are among the main senders/organisers of communicaton actvites (72%). Pupils and students (40%) and citzens (27%) are the main recipients. Recipient engagement is described in about half of the publicatons (46%). The vast majority use a joint development or implementaton model between experts and the public, while only a few publicatons describe a joint evaluaton model. What - Since 2013, the two-way (43%) communicaton model (see Stewart et al., 2023 for descripton of the communicaton models) has been the most widely used (Fig. 3b). However, the one-way model is stll mentoned in a fairly large number of publicatons (29%). Interestngly, the three-way model (“instruct and co-create”) was adopted by less than 20% of authors, although its prevalence increased over tme.
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