GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 2.3 GNGTS 2024 -why should I care about seismic risk? -what can I do to protect myself? We used 3 interactve videogames to address the above questons. These videogames have been designed in the framework of the ENP-CP project on the Seismic Risk Sensibilizaton, and successfully used in interactve hybrid events for the schools (Goret and Musacchio, 2022). We chose the games not only as a tool to beter capture the teenagers’ atenton but also to aid them get across some otherwise heavy-handed subjects. The frst queston was addressed with the videogame “Catch the Plate” that is based on Plate Tectonics. The actvity helps acknowledge that earthquakes are a natural phenomenon. Emphasis is placed on the knowledge of the territory where one lives, the geological features characterizing it and therefore the seismic hazard. The second queston was answered by highlightng the need to be prepared as a mean to prevent damage and be able to cope with emergency situatons. Two games address this queston and provide suggestons concerning those actons that can make the diference in case of an earthquake. The game “Make your room ready” ask the players to decrease seismic vulnerability in the places where youth spend most of their tme during the day (i.e., bedroom, classroom). It stands upon three keywords matching crucial simple actons that can reduce seismic vulnerability to non-structural elements inside a building, and namely move-protect-secure (Ferreira et al., 2020). The game “Emergency bag” highlights that as we live in a seismic country, it is fundamental to know how to cope with the issue of evacuaton in case of an earthquake. The April 6th, 2009, L’Aquila event is just an example of an earthquake catching people of-guard in the middle of the night. Thus, it is crucial to have an emergency bag to be ready to go out of a building with only the most useful stuf. The game wants to make young people think about proper objects to stay a few hours away from home. The take-home message is to be ready for a seismic event means to know where I live and how to act in the most efcient and safe way.