GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 2.3 GNGTS 2024 Fig. 2: Snapshots of the actvites implemented in 2023 at the Milano Division of the Insttute of geophysics and Volcanology during the events of ScienzAperta for schools and the Week of Planet Earth. From top to botom: “Site- efects” laboratory: analogue models for the lithostratgraphic amplifcaton and liquefacton (a); Shake it!” laboratory: a ground shaking simulaton using an educatonal small-scale shaking table (b) and an example of a marshmallow building frame structure placed on the shake box (c); “Videogaming” actvity: preventon and preparedness issues addressed with videogames (d). CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION In this paper, a format for seismic risk communicaton specifcally designed to engage middle school students is proposed, with the aim to increase scientfc knowledge, and promote the awareness in the community about the seismic risk. In the Lombardy region seismic hazard is relatvely low since most of its land belongs to Seismic Zones 3 and 4. The relatvely low hazard level of the Milan Metropolitan area is apparently at odds with the actual risk. Moreover, in the last two years the area surrounding Milan was shook by two low magnitude earthquakes that people clearly felt, and that were yet unexpected. The Milano Division of the Isttuto Nazionale di Geofsica e Vulcanologia is engaged in science communicaton actvites that are intended for a school audience. Although schools are referred to as a strategic public in risk communicaton to build a risk-resilient society, topics addressing seismic risk are underestmated in educatonal programs. It’s critcal to invest more in the design of efectve seismic risk communicaton campaigns for the school target.