GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 2.3 GNGTS 2024 The format described in this paper includes three actvites: in the Site efects laboratory we show models displaying some aspects of these phenomena; in the Shake-it! laboratory seismic vulnerability is discussed through an experiment on scaled-down shaking table model and by letng the students reproduce it with marshmallows, spaghet and a cardboard shaking-table; fnally, we propose video games designed to learn where do earthquakes usually occur, how to secure the house from ground shaking and how to get ready for a seismic emergency. The three actvites share features responding to modern communicatve and didactc methodologies, inspired on actve learning, that has proven to be one of the most efectve in enhancing students’ capability in achieving an in-depth knowledge in STEM disciplines (Freeman et al., 2013; Michael, 2006). Interactvity, team play, problem-solving, hands-on actvites, multple communicatve channels, from graphic to linguistc, are the techniques used to contrast the students’ disengagement and by doing this to adapt the seismic risk communicaton campaign to the specifc target. All these techniques stood on the fruitul interacton between students and scientsts. Each actvity had a focus on a single aspect of the seismic risk, to raise from tme-to-tme awareness on the diferent factors involved in seismic risk: the site efects, the buildings vulnerability, and the preparedness were addressed one by one allowing students to strengthen their understanding of specifc scientfc concepts. The digital game-based learning proposed in the preparedness laboratory has shown as one of the most efectve ways to communicate with the so called “millennial” students, a digital natve generaton with specifc concentraton attudes (Roelh et al., 2013). The actvites were tested within the two open-doors events that the Milano Division of the Isttuto Nazionale di Geofsica e Vulcanologia ofered to schools in the year 2023 hostng about 200 students and teachers. An excellent partcipaton among students and teachers was recorded, with students actvely collaboratng with each other during hands on actvites and showing a great curiosity towards the seismological models. Videogames confrm their efectveness in capturing the teenagers’ atenton, aiding them to get across some otherwise heavy-handed subjects. A recap-game was used to understand to what extent the proposed concepts were grasped: students had to fll a text with words representng the topics addressed during the actvites. The results indicate the efcacy of this methodology to communicate risk to schools and reiterate the need to increase the communicaton practces for this specifc form of risk. Acknowledgements The videogames presented in this work have been implemented within the ENP-CP European Neighbourhood Policy - Civil Protecton (ENP-CP) EU-funded project. The actvites are a follow-up of the “Know your city, Reduce seISmic risK through non-structural elements” (KnowRISK) DG- ECHO program funded project. They are also based on the exhibiton “Terremot: Atent agli Element!-Detagli che salvano la vita” that was presented at the 2019 editon of the Genova Science festval.
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