GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 2.3 GNGTS 2024 References Asteris P. G., Tsaris A. K., Cavaleri L., Repapis C. C., Papalou A., Di Trapani F., & Karypidis D. F. (2016). Predicton of the fundamental period of inflled RC frame structures using artfcial neural networks. Computatonal Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2016, 20-20. Bandecchi A. E., Pazzi V., Morelli S., Valori L., & Casagli N. (2019). Geo-hydrological and seismic risk awareness at school: Emergency preparedness and risk percepton evaluaton. Internatonal journal of disaster risk reducton, 40, 101280. Cara F., Cultrera G., Riccio G., Amoroso S., Bordoni P., Bucci A., ... & Mancini M. (2019). Temporary dense seismic network during the 2016 Central Italy seismic emergency for microzonaton studies. Scientfc data, 6(1), 182. Crescimbene M., La Longa F., Camassi R., & Pino N. A. (2015). The seismic risk percepton questonnaire. Geological Society, London, Special Publicatons, 419(1), 69-77. Crescimbene M., La Longa F., Pessina V., Pino N. A., & Peruzza L. (2016). Seismic Risk Percepton compared with seismic Risk Factors. European Geosciences Union General Assembly. Emergeo Working Group. (2013). Liquefacton phenomena associated with the Emilia earthquake sequence of May–June 2012 (Northern Italy). Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 13(4), 935-947. Ferreira M.A., Oliveira C.S., Lopes M., Mota de Sa F., Musacchio G., Rupakhety R., Reitano D., Pais I. (2021) Using non-structural mitgaton measures to maintain business contnuity: a mult- stakeholder engagement strategy. Annals of Geophysics, 64, 3, htps:// Freeman S., Eddy, S. L., McDonough M., Smith M. K., Okoroafor N., Jordt, H., & Wenderoth M. P. (2014). Actve learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematcs. Proceedings of the natonal academy of sciences, 111(23), 8410-8415. Goret A., and Musacchio G. (2022). Report on the Interactve Hybrid Event@Schools on Seismic Risk Sensibilisaton, Actvity 4.3 Partcipaton to MS awareness and educatonal campaigns, WP4 Strengthening awareness raising initatves and educatonal campaigns in the area of seismic risk, Preparedness acton for European Neighbourhood Policy countries – Civil Protecton Project (ENP-CP). Agreement No. ECHO/SUB/2019/B1/816935 Massa M., Barani S., & Lovat S. (2014). Overview of topographic efects based on experimental observatons: meaning, causes and possible interpretatons. Geophysical Journal Internatonal, 197(3), 1537-1550. Mayhew M. A., & Hall M. K. (2012). Science Communicaton in a Café Scientfque for High School Teens. Science Communicaton, 34(4), 546-554. htps:// Michael J. (2006). Where's the evidence that actve learning works?. Advances in physiology educaton. Mucciarelli M., Masi A., Gallipoli M. R., Harabaglia P., Vona M., Ponzo F., & Dolce M. (2004). Analysis of RC building dynamic response and soil-building resonance based on data recorded during a damaging earthquake (Molise, Italy, 2002). Bulletn of the Seismological Society of America, 94(5), 1943-1953. Musacchio G., Eva E., Crescimbene M., Pino N. A., & Cugliari L. (2021). A protocol to communicate seismic risk in schools: design, test, and assessment in Italy. Annals of Geophysics.