GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 2.3 GNGTS 2024 Risk percepton is a key element in the defniton and adopton of preventve countermeasures. To develop efectve risk informaton and communicaton strategies, it is necessary to know risk percepton and the factors that infuence it (Slovic, 1987; Peters & Slovic, 1996; Renn, 2008). METHODS AND RESULTS The objectve of this research was to investgate (1) how the healthcare facilites’ staf perceives the seismic risk in their workplace and territory, (2) how they perceive the risk associated with the non-structural elements in the hospital buildings, and (3) what are in their opinion the main factors infuencing risk. At this purpose, a mixed methodology that combines quanttatve and qualitatve techniques was adopted, consistng on a focus group and a survey, and it was proposed to the healthcare stafs in the pilot sited selected in the framework of the ENRICH project. The pilot sites were the Lecce healthcare unit, and the Caserta healthcare unit, both in the South of Italy. These two pilot sites are located in two diferent seismic hazard areas: Lecce is located in the low-to- moderate seismic hazard area 4, while the Caserta area is area 2, where strong earthquakes are possible. The focus group was implemented in order to achieve an in-depth knowledge about the subject of seismic risk percepton: it was ofered a list of assessed questons, startng from the general topic of the personal experience with earthquakes and progressively went into detail about the seismic risk percepton in the healthcare framework and the preventon issue, but encouraging the spontaneous contributon of partcipants. The analysis of data has followed the grounded theory framework, by applying a coding process to the text extrapolated from the discussion and creatng general interpretatve categories basing on that code (Sargent et al., 2016). The quanttatve questonnaire was expressly designed to measure the seismic risk percepton in healthcare staf: it includes 10 sectons with questons evaluatng the resilience of the hospital structure, of non- structural elements, of the territory, and of the staf itself, to score on a semantc diferental for each item. Results from preliminary analysis on the data collected indicate that there is an underestmaton of the risk, both as regards the geographic areas, respectvely Lecce city and Caserta city, and as regards the role of non-structural elements in determining the damage inficted by an earthquake. However, the partcipants seem generally aware that the risk is underestmated, and the importance of preventon seems to be properly perceived. Moreover, both groups looked very curious, especially about geological and scientfc issues, and eager to fll the knowledge gap by means of informatve events and initatves addressing specifcally the seismic risk topic. The aim of the ENRICH project by conductng this research is to actvely involve the healthcare facilites’ staf in the risk communicaton process, and to use the gathered data and suggestons in the developing of future risk communicaton strategies and campaigns, more efectve and more targeted to the communites to address. One of the tasks scheduled by the project is the informatve materials producton, including that of a citzen-science app, and the design of
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