GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 3.1 GNGTS 2024 earthquake tomography (LET) has been used for imaging the crustal elastc propertes in seismically actve geothermal setngs in terms of 3D P-and S- wave velocity models (Toledo et al., 2020; Amoroso et al., 2022), while ambient noise tomography (ANT) is widely adopted in shallower geothermal setngs (Toledo et al., 2020). The VP and VS parameters result in being mainly sensitve to lithology changes, whereas their rato (VP/VS) provides precious hints on the fuid compositon and its pore pressure Mavko et al. (2009). Finally, the anelastc parameters, described by the quality factor Q, strictly depend on some rheological propertes like the temperature and the percentage of fuid saturaton in rocks, key factors in the investgaton of occurring subsurface geothermal processes (Chiarabba, 2021). Social and environmental consideratons are important in the long-term utlizaton of geothermal energy resources. Recently, the procedures of assessing and mitgatng the environmental impact of energy exploitaton have included the engagement of the local community to avoid any potental environmental dispute. The increased atenton of public opinion to issues of environmental sustainability and ecology in general has favored the emergence of both greater sensitvity and a risk-predictve culture over tme, enhancing the confict between fears about human health risks and scientfc knowledge beliefs. In this regard, geothermal energy, for example, is frequently not presented as a renewable energy source (Benighaus and Bleicher, 2019). This implies that planning procedures must be distnguished by the pursuit of common solutons via an appropriate assessment technique. In this study we propose a novel geophysical mult-messenger technique, which provides unique and useful insights into the features and actvites of examined geothermal reservoirs. These fndings stem from the complementary informaton carried by subsoil electrical resistvity and elastc/anelastc characteristcs related to fuid presence. The proposed method will be tested in two test regions in Southern Italy that are appropriate for low to medium-enthalpy geothermal extracton. The initatve is specifcally focused on feld investgatons in: 2) Contursi Terme (Campania) and Tramutola (Basilicata). Contursi Terme is one of the most appreciated thermal sites in the whole Campania region. Here, 77 springs with temperatures ranging from 21°C to 30°C are present, furthermore, 72 shallower and deeper wells for the pumping of hot waters with temperatures ranging from 38°C to 43°C are used for balneotherapy (Celico P. et al 1979). The Tramutola test site is located on the western side of the Agri Valley which is home to Europe's biggest onshore hydrocarbon reserve. During the drilling of the "Tramutola2" well (404.4 m) in 1936, a signifcant volume of sulphureous hypothermal water (28 °C with a fow rate of 10 l/s) with accompanying gases (mostly CH4 and CO2) was discovered (Cazzini, 2018). At the same tme, we propose appropriate communicaton strategies in order to contribute to the acceptance of geothermal energy sources based on its raising awareness and direct involvement of stakeholders on the studied territories. Acknowledgements This work is supported by project TOGETHER - Sustainable geothermal energy for two Southern Italy regions: geophysical resource evaluaton and public awareness fnanced by European Union – Next Generaton EU ( PRIN-PNRR 2022, CUP D53D23022850001).Acknowledgements