GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 3.1 GNGTS 2024 Salt domes modelling through magnetc data: an unconventonal tool for challenging scenarios L. Bianco 1 , M. Abbas 1 , L. Speranza 2 , B. Garcea 2 , M. Fedi 1 1 Department of Earth, Environmental and Resources, University of Naples “Federico II”, Naples, Italy. 2 Energean, Milan, Italy. We demonstrate that the analysis of magnetc data in salt basins could ofen represent a fundamental tool. The analysis was carried out on the data of a deep-water area in the Eastern Mediterranean, ofshore Egypt. The reduced to pole (RTP) magnetc anomalies were fltered for the regional-residual separaton with the discrete wavelet transform (DWT). The resultng magnetc anomalies were interpreted as generated by the contrast between the salt bodies and the surrounding sedimentary layers. We extracted many lineaments representatve of the salt bodies from the multscale boundary analysis of the produced anomalies. Moreover, we inverted the data using a 3D non-linear non-iteratve inversion technique jointly with Euler deconvoluton. This procedure has led to an interestng salt map, which is by the fact exclusively based on magnetc data. This result agrees well with the seismic interpretaton of the top of the salt. This is a not obvious result, which demonstrates an advantageous and low-cost use of magnetc surveys for the exploraton of salt basins, especially when seismic data are inaccessible or sufer of possible pitalls in such scenarios. Corresponding author:
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