GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 3.1 GNGTS 2024 Wastewater associated with oil producton has been re-injected into the CM2 well, an unproductve marginal secton of the carbonate reservoir, from 2890m to 3096m depth (well botom) since June 2006. The variable injecton rates have reached maximum values of 2800–3000 m 3 /d (normal 2000 m 3 /d), while the well-head pressure has never exceeded 13–14 MPa. CM2 can be classifed as a long-term, high-rate disposal well (e.g., Stabile et al. 2014, Improta et al., 2015). The two-year experimental period of the ILG came to an end in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic in April 2021, and for the sake of simplicity it was extended for a further 12 months. Due to an unfavourable superpositon of individual administratve difcultes by the involved public administratons, the originally common target of a straight and uninterrupted transiton from the experimentaton to the applicaton of the ILG, could not be realized. This led to a contractual and fnancial discontnuity for a period of more than 20 months, which will now probably end with the signing of a long-term agreement between the diferent partes. Mother nature does not mind if monitoring agreements are actve! … and sometmes earthquakes may also occur during tmes, when monitoring is not adequately covered by fundings. The queston rises whether monitoring should contnue anyway, or should rather follow the economic availability? with other words: “In case that fnancing funds may temporarily thrust out should the SPM stll contnue monitoring?”. This is the inauspicious circumstance, when “No-Money-toring” starts. Without deepening this issue, INGV decided, however, to contnue the monitoring actvity; a decision that turned out to be useful, due to a non-neglectable seismic actvity, occurring during 2023 (Figure 2). Our contributon will report about scientfc and non-scientfc aspects experienced during Monitoring and No-Money-toring phase of the VA project.
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