GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 3.1 GNGTS 2024 Comparison and calibraton of Trafc Light Protocols applied in diferent countries, in the framework of the ENSURE-project T. Braun 1 , S. Danesi 2 1 Isttuto Nazionale di Geofsica e Vulcanologia, Sezione di Roma1, Arezzo, Italy 2 Isttuto Nazionale di Geofsica e Vulcanologia, Sezione di Bologna, Italy Innovatve strategies for risk reducton are feasible in the context of induced seismicity, as it is possible to manage risk through hazard control, in contrast with standard seismic risk mitgaton that considers only vulnerability and exposure (Bommer et al., 2006). Trafc Light Protocols have been proposed to determine the risk level conditon associated with induced seismicity, with the goal of reducing or stopping industrial operatons in case it reaches an unacceptable level. The protocol also includes restartng operatons once the situaton is deemed safe on the basis of quanttatve criteria (Figure 1). Country specifc regulatons defned by natonal laws and diferent types of operaton have led to specifc TLPs customized for the diferent anthropogenic actvites, as e.g., proposed by (Bommer et al., 2006; Zoback, 2012; Grigoli et al, 2017; Bohnhof et al., 2018; Baisch et al., 2019; Braun et al., 2023). In the frst instance, TLPs are used to classify monitoring results ad report them to the authorites according to a “communicaton scheme”. Sometmes, TLPs serve as “reacton scheme”, to take acton in respect of the operatons and reduce or interrupt, and eventually restart anthropogenic actvites. With regard to Italy, the Ministry of Economic Development proposed “Guidelines for the monitoring of seismicity, soil deformaton, and pore pressure in relaton to anthropic actvites” (Dialuce et al., 2014; Braun et al., 2020), to be applied for the monitoring in Italy of artfcial water basins, mining drilling (caves, mines, hydrocarbons), tunnel excavatons, methane gas and CO 2 storage. The ILG describe standards for monitoring relevant geophysical observables; outline roles and responsibilites of the diferent actors involved in monitoring actvites; defne procedures to be followed in case of signifcant changes of the monitored parameters, propose a decision-making model based on the exceeding of predetermined thresholds, a so-called trafc light protocol (TLP). The TLP becomes exclusively applied in case of reinjecton of incompressible fuids (producton waste waters, but not methane or CO 2 ). For concessions of natonal competence, the ILG defne the consttuton of a “Commitee”, composed by the Ministry representatves on a natonal level (DGS-UNMIG), the regional government, the industrial operator and the monitoring agency (in Italian: Strutura Preposta al Monitoraggio SPM). The role of the Commitee is to manage the monitoring of a concession, on the basis of the monitoring recommendatons. The primary SPM's task is to calculate hypocentral coordinates of seismic events and discriminate whether they are within previously defned monitoring volumes (spatal threshold). For events that meet the specifed criteria, the SPM
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