GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 3.1 GNGTS 2024 computes the seismic parameters Magnitude, PGV (Peak Ground Velocity), and PGA (Peak Ground Acceleraton), determines if any of these parameters exceed the thresholds established in the TLP (parametric threshold), and reports the outcome to the commitee (==> communicaton process). On the basis of the SPM's analyses, three of the commitee members (UNMIG, Region, Concessionaire) are then responsible for deciding on the type of interventon to be applied, classifed as “Ordinary” (green), ”Atenton” (yellow), “Reducton” (orange) or “Suspension” (red) of the industrial actvites (==> reacton scheme). The defniton of the interventon measure is a politcal decision, based on the SPM's technical assessment. The project “Efectve moNitoring of long-term site Stability for transparent carbon captUre and storage hazaRd assEssment” (ENSURE) aims to (i) identfy common traits between seismicity occurring in diferent setngs with respect to calibrate TLPs, (ii) correlate seismological with reservoir engineering parameters, (iii) compare results to existng TLPs from other industrial monitoring systems. As a deliverable it is planned to propose an evaluaton of monitoring parameters (as e.g., M, PGV, PGA, Hypo) and their uncertaintes for a conversion into efectve TLPs- threshold values, especially for the case of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). As CCS will be introduced soon also in Italy, and based on the experiences of INGV as SPM during the experimental monitoring phase of pilot concessions, a revision of the ILG is absolutely essental. We will present the preliminary analyses achieved in the framework of ENSURE, which give important indicatons for calibratng also the natonal TLPs, efectve for 10 years. Fig. 1 – Operaton principle of a Trafc Light Protocol