GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 3.1 GNGTS 2024 Recently, atlases of wave energy of the Italian coasts have been developed, using wave parameters measured by buoys positoned of the coast (ENEA, 2011). Wave buoys provide accurate and direct measurements of wave parameters. However, the tme series obtained from the buoys describe swell climates only locally, and ofen have large data gaps caused by temporary buoy failures, or by maintenance operatons routne. Wave height and period do not generally show high spatal gradients in the open ocean, but substantal spatal variatons are observed in enclosed seas, where ground obstacles strongly infuence wave generaton and propagaton. We can therefore conclude that at the moment, an accurate and detailed estmate of wave energy of the Italian seas is not yet available. Fig. 2 – Distributon of the average wave energy fux per unit crest length within the computatonal domain (from Iuppa et al., 2015). The MARE (MARine Energy project), funded in the framework of PRIN PNRR, arises from the premise that for the energy producton from marine sources, becoming an important piece in the mosaic of renewable energies, the available resource must be well assessed, in order to demonstrate the real productve possibilites and atract investors. The actvity presents the potental tools identfed for the defniton of a methodology capable of determining the potental of energy producibility from sea waves and marine current along the territorial waters of the Aegadian Archipelago.