GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 3.1 GNGTS 2024 As regards energy supply, most of the Minor Islands are not interconnected to the Natonal Transmission Grid (NTG) being managed by small vertcally integrated electricity companies and 8 are managed by ENEL Produzione. The producton plants are currently made up of diesel units, whose overall power is always oversized to ensure the quality and contnuity of the service. The supply of fuel takes place with tankers, with inevitable associated environmental risks, (polluton, greenhouse emissions, etc). To assess the potental for the marine energy it is opportune to employ the most suitable methodologies for the analysis of such a partcularly complex system. The MARE project aims to contribute to the necessary knowledge so that the energy producton from marine waves and currents may become a real resource for small islands. The Aegadian archipelago is proposed as a case study. Fig. 3 – Bathymetric map of the study area. The Aegadian Archipelago is composed of the islands of Favignana, Levanzo and Maretmo and it is located of the -western coast of Sicily. The populaton of the whole archipelago is not distributed equally, Favignana is the larger island (37 km2) with 3,407 inhabitants, Maretmo (12 km 2 ) has 648 inhabitants, while Levanzo (6 km 2 ) is the smallest of the three with 208 inhabitants. Favignana, Levanzo and Maretmo are not interconnected with the mainland and neither among themselves, each Island has a local Distributon System Operators that provides electric energy using diesel plants. In the last years, the Municipality of Favignana has strongly pushed several clean energy-oriented projects. At present, the whole archipelago hosts only about 300 kW of