GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 3.1 GNGTS 2024 (100m). For this dataset, all the airborne IP chargeability anomalies have been confrmed from the ground IP. Afer this, we performed a joint inversion between all the ground DCIP lines (17) and the entre AEM survey. For the joint inversion we used the AEM model (for all the parameters) as startng model for the joint inversion. In fgure 3 the results are shown. Figure 3. Comparison between AEM only model (on the lef) and Joint Inversion model (on the right) for a slice at 60 m of depth. Figure 3a shows a comparison between the resistvites while fgure 3b a comparison between chargeabilites. In fgure 3a a comparison between the AEM only and joint inversion resistvity is presented. As visible, the main structural are mantained in the inversions. Diferently, in fgure 3b , it appears that introducing the ground DCIP lines in the inversion add structure in the chargeability model for the entre survey area. In terms of misft, the general misft of the AEM only inversion is 1.6 while the misft for the joint inversion is 1.7, confrming how the AEM data accept the jointly obtained chargeability model obtained together with the ground IP. AEM only J o i n t a) b)