GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 3.1 GNGTS 2024 Doran, H. R., Renaud, T., Falcone, G., Pan, L., & Verdin, P. G. (2021). Modelling an unconventonal closed-loop deep borehole heat exchanger (DBHE): Sensitvity analysis on the Newberry volcanic setng. Geothermal Energy , 9 (1), 4. htps:// Eavor-Lite TM —Eavor—Demonstratng a New Energy Soluton. (s.d.). Eavor . Recuperato 28 novembre 2023, da htps:// Falcone, G., Liu, X., Okech, R. R., Seyidov, F., & Teodoriu, C. (2018). Assessment of deep geothermal energy exploitaton methods: The need for novel single-well solutons. Energy , 160 , 54–63. htps:// Gangwani, P., Soni, J., Upadhyay, H., Joshi, S., & Student, M. (2020). A Deep Learning Approach for Modeling of Geothermal Energy Predicton . 18 (1). Geothopica . (s.d.). Recuperato 28 novembre 2023, da htps:// lang=en Gola, G., Di Sipio, E., Facci, M., Galgaro, A., & Manzella, A. (2022). Geothermal deep closed-loop heat exchangers: A novel technical potental evaluaton to answer the power and heat demands. Renewable Energy , 198 , 1193–1209. htps:// Gupta, S., Chakraborty, G., Kanungo, U. S., & Bharsakale, A. (2006). Datatraya K. Reservoir delineaton of lower Kalol pays and feld growth in Wadu And Paliyad Areas, Cambay Basin, India. In , 2006. Scopus. Home | Sustainable Development . (s.d.). Recuperato 28 novembre 2023, da htps:// #goal_secton%20last Hu, X., Banks, J., Guo, Y., & Liu, W. V. (2021). Retroftng abandoned petroleum wells as doublet deep borehole heat exchangers for geothermal energy producton—A numerical investgaton. Renewable Energy , 176 , 115–134. htps:// Kujawa, T., Nowak, W., & Stachel, A. A. (2006). Utlizaton of existng deep geological wells for acquisitons of geothermal energy. Energy , 31 (5), 650–664. htps:// Liao, Y., Sun, X., Sun, B., Wang, Z., Wang, J., & Wang, X. (2021). Geothermal exploitaton and electricity generaton from multbranch U-shaped well–enhanced geothermal system. Renewable Energy , 163 , 2178–2189. htps:// Lund, J. W. (2003). The use of downhole heat exchangers. Geothermics , 32 (4), 535–543. htps:// Moore, J. N., & Simmons, S. F. (2013). More Power from Below. Science , 340 (6135), 933–934. htps:// Nadkarni, K., Lefsrud, L. M., Schifner, D., & Banks, J. (2022). Convertng oil wells to geothermal resources: Roadmaps and roadblocks for energy transformaton. Energy Policy , 161 , 112705. htps:// Palomo, E., Colmenar-Santos, A., & Rosales-Asensio, E. (2022). Measures to Remove Geothermal Energy Barriers in the European Union. In E. Palomo, A. Colmenar-Santos, & E. Rosales-Asensio (A c. Di), Potental of Low-Medium Enthalpy Geothermal Energy: Hybridizaton and Applicaton i n I ndust r y (pp . 9–45) . Spr i nger I nternatona l Pub l i sh i ng . htps : / /do i . org / 10.1007/978-3-030-95626-4_2
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