GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 3.1 GNGTS 2024 Fig. 3 - Flowchart of TRAD ISTRICI package has been tested on diferent dataset with excellent results (i.e., Tinivella et al., 2009; Vargas et al., 2010; Vargas et al., 2016). Our codes were developed and improved afer many tests that allowed identfying critcal steps. As mentoned before, it is worth highlightng that the codes and scripts can easily be modifed by the user if necessary. ISTRICI can be downloaded from the following public repository: htps:// ; a README fle is provided for each workfow (INTER, CIG, and TRAD); an example is also available. ISTRICI uses codes from