GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 3.1 GNGTS 2024 Seismic Unix, free sofware that can be downloaded here: htps:// Informaton about the use of ISTRICI at the Authors is appreciated. Finally, ISTRICI can be used in the present form for multchannel seismic data, ocean botom seismometer data, ocean botom cable data as well as land data. Acknowledgements This study was supported by the Italian Ministry of Educaton, Uni- versites and Research in part under the extraordinary contributon for Italian partcipaton in actvites related to the internatonal infrastructure PRACE-The Partnership for Advanced Computng in Europe ( ; Decreto MIUR No. 631 of August 8, 2016) and in part by the PRIN Project enttled: “Methane recovery and carbon dioxide disposal in natural gas hydrate reservoirs”. References Cohen J.K., Stockwell Jr., J.W.; 2008: CWP/SU: Seismic Unix Release No. 41: an Open Source Sofware Package for Seismic Research and Processing. Center for Wave Phenomena, Colorado School of Mines. Liu Z., Bleistein N.; 1995: Migraton velocity analysis: theory and an iteratve algorithm. Geophysics, 60, 142e153. Tinivella U., Loreto M.F., Accaino F.; 2009: Regional versus Detailed Velocity Analysis to Quantfy Hydrate and Free Gas in Marine Sediments: the South Shetland Margin Case Study. Geological Society Special Publicaton, 319, 103–119. Tinivella U., Giustniani M.; 2023: ISTRICI – Tools for facilitatng seismic depth imaging and velocity analysis with seismic unix. Computers & Geosciences, 180, 105458. Vargas-Cordero I., Tinivella U., Accaino F., Loreto M.F., Fanucci F.; 2010: Thermal state and concentraton of gas hydrate and free gas of Coyhaique, Chilean Margin (44◦30ʹ S). Mar. Petrol. Geol., 27 (5), 1148–1156. Vargas-Cordero I.C., Tinivella U., Villar-Mu˜noz L., Giustniani,M.; 2016: Gas hydrate and free gas estmaton from seismic analysis ofshore Chilo´e island (Chile). Andean Geol. 43 (3), 263–274. Yilmaz O.; 2001: Seismic Data Analysis: Processing, Inversion and Interpretaton of Seismic Data, second ed. Society of Exploraton Geophysicists, Tulsa, Oklahoma, p. 2027. Corresponding author:
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