GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 3.1 GNGTS 2024 Seismic atribute analyses for geothermal applicatons: a case study from the geothermal potental assessment in the Valle Latna area (Central Italy). G. Vico 1,2 , R. Mafucci 2 , S. Bigi 1 1 Dipartmento di Scienze della Terra, Università di Roma La Sapienza, Italy 2 Isttuto Nazionale di Geofsica e Vulcanologia, Roma, Italy Introducton We reprocessed the seismic public profles acquired in the Valle Latna in the last century for a Ph.D. project focused on identfying potental geothermal reservoirs. Our main target was to depict faults, fracture zones, and strong AI contrast, reprocessing the VIDEPI seismic refecton profles with the applicaton of an advanced Matlab code (i.e., WIGGLETOSEGY by Sopher, 2018). Using this code allowed us to digitze the seismic traces of the vintage seismic profles to obtain major quality data for seismic atribute analysis to detect faults and fracture zones that may have a great infuence in the behavior of a geothermal reservoir. The main goal of this integrated PhD project is to provide an accurate characterizaton of specifc geothermal systems located in central Italy. The focus is defning their potental for geothermal energy planning and elaboratng a potental reservoir assessment. The ultmate aim is to develop a map of the geothermal potental structures and identfy one or more case studies in the southern Latum, partcularly in the Valle Latna area of interest. In the southernmost part of Latum, in correspondence with the Mesozoic carbonate reservoir, hot waters were found within 1-1.4 km depth in the areas of (i) Latna (60 °C at 1.4 km); (ii) Fogliano (80 °C at 1 km); (iii) in the Valle Latna (50-70 °C at 1-2 km); and (iv) near the Terme di Suio (50-100 °C at 0.5-1 km) (Buonasorte et al., 2011). Data and Methods In order to describe the structural features of Valle Latna, we analyzed a huge hydrocarbon exploraton dataset consistng of geophysical and stratgraphic well-logs, along with seismic refecton profles. The geophysical data comprised public data from the ViDEPI project database and literature and private data provided by Pentex Italia Ltd. The seismic profles were recorded from various acquisiton surveys conducted in the 1980s and 1990s by AGIP, Sovereign, and Pentex for hydrocarbon exploraton. The seismic dataset includes both the stack and the migrated versions.