GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 3.1 GNGTS 2024 stability and accuracy of the proposed approach, even if each sounding is independently inverted without explicit spatal constraints (Zaru et al. 2023). Verifcaton against boreholes and comparisons with deterministc results highlights the reliability and efciency of the proposed strategy. Moreover, the probabilistc approach inherently provides an estmaton of the uncertainty of the results that is quite problematc in deterministc framework. Reference Bai, P., Vignoli, G. & Hansen, T.M. 2021. “1D stochastc inversion of airborne tme-domain electromagnetc data with realistc prior and accountng for the forward modeling error.” Remote Sensing 13 (19): 3881. Grana, D., Russell, B. & Mukerji, T. 2022. “Petrophysical inversion based on f-s-r amplitude- variaton-with-ofset linearizaton and canonical correlaton analysis.” Geophysics 87 (6): M247- M258. Hansen, T. M., Cordua, K. S., Looms, M.C., & Mosegaard, K. 2013b. “SIPPI: A Matlab toolbox for sampling the soluton to inverse problems with complex prior informaton: Part 2 -Applicaton to crosshole GPR tomography.” Computers & Geosciences 52: 481-492. Hansen, T. M., Cordua, K.S., Looms, M.C., & Mosegaard, K. 2013a. “SIPPI: A Matlab toolbox for sampling the soluton to inverse problems with complex prior informaton: Part 1- Methodology.” Computers & Geosciences 52: 470-480. Haoping, H., & Won, I.J. 2003. “Real-tme resistvity sounding using a hand-held broadband electromagnetc sensor.” Geophysics 68 (4): 1224-1231. Klose, T., Guillemoteau, J., Vignoli, G., & Tronicke, J. 2022. “Laterally constrained inversion (LCI) of mult-confguraton EMI data with tunable sharpness.” Journal of Applied Geophysics 196. Klose, T., Guillemoteau, J., Vignoli, G., Walter, J., Herrmann, A., & Tronicke, J. 2023. “Structurally constrained inversion by means of a Minimum Gradient Support regularizer: examples of FD- EMI data inversion constrained by GPR refecton data.” Geophysical Journal Internatonal 233 (3): 1938-1949. McLachlan, P., Blanchy, G. & Binley, A. 2021. "EMagPy: Open-source standalone sofware for processing, forward modeling and inversion of electromagnetc inducton data." Computers & Geosciences, 146, 104561. Mosegaard, K., & Tarantola, A. 1995. “Monte Carlo sampling of solutons to inverse problems.” Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 100 (B7): 12431-12447. Silvestri, S., Christensen, C. W., Lysdahl, A. O. K., Anschütz, H., Pfafuber, A. A., & Viezzoli, A. 2019. “Peatland volume mapping over resistve substrates with airborne electromagnetc technology.” Geophysical Research Leters 46: 6459-6468. doi:10.1029/2019GL083025. Zaru, N., Rossi, M., Vacca, G. and Vignoli, G., 2023. Spreading of Localized Informaton across an Entre 3D Electrical Resistvity Volume via Constrained EMI Inversion Based on a Realistc Prior Distributon. Remote Sensing , 15 (16), p.3993. Corresponding author:
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